EMAsphere: in summary

EMAsphere offers powerful financial management solutions tailored for businesses of various sizes. Targeting financial managers and business leaders, it simplifies financial planning, data analysis, and performance tracking. Key features include clear financial dashboards, intuitive budgeting and forecasting tools, and comprehensive reporting capabilities.

What are the main features of EMAsphere?

Financial Dashboards

EMAsphere provides customisable financial dashboards that consolidate all your key metrics in one place, allowing for quick and informed decision-making.

  • Real-time monitoring of your financial status
  • Visual representation of financial health and performance
  • Integration with multiple data sources for comprehensive overviews

Budgeting and Forecasting

The budgeting and forecasting tools of EMAsphere empower users to create accurate forecasts and budgets, helping businesses stay ahead of their financial goals.

  • Scenario planning for better future preparedness
  • Comparison tools to assess actual vs budgeted performance
  • Automated calculations that save time and reduce errors

Comprehensive Reporting

With EMAsphere's comprehensive reporting capabilities, generate detailed reports that provide deep insights into your financial performance, aiding better strategic planning.

  • User-friendly report configurator for tailored reporting
  • Wide range of export functionalities (PDF, Excel, etc.)
  • Drill-down features for in-depth data analysis

Its benefits

Ready-to-use and customizable decision-making platform

Available in a few days

Unlimited users number

Certifications:GDPR, FEC

EMAsphere - Video
EMAsphere - On each "widget" (graph, table, ...), it is possible to make a comment, ask a question, to define an action that will generate a notification to the target user.
EMAsphere - comparison charts are used to compare income to the same period based on different criteria or at a different time on the same criteria.
EMAsphere - The cash component allows a type of presentation "waterfall" of cash to illustrate the evolution of the cash between the beginning and the end of the period selected.
EMAsphere - The "Income" includes the 5 selected indicators of income and this income in the form of figures and graphs.
EMAsphere - smartphone application
EMAsphere - EMAsphere how does it work?

EMAsphere: its rates

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