ZoomInfo: in summary

What is ZoomInfo?

ZoomInfo combines the world’s most comprehensive business database with best-in-class technology to fuel your go-to-market strategy from start to finish, and provides the following

  • An accurate, 360-degree view of customers, prospects, and opportunities.
  • Empowering each phase of their go-to-market strategy and driving their ability to hit their number.
  • Robust features and integrations seamlessly incorporated into your workflows
  • More leads for sales and marketing teams
  • More closed deals for sales organizations
  • More efficiency for operations. More control for leadership
  • More profit for everyone

Real-time Sales Intelligence

Get the latest sales intelligence about what’s happening in the accounts you’re trying to reach.

  • With ZoomInfo Scoops you’ll have a current account of who was hired, who left, and what’s happening with that company in the news.
  • Pull intent signals from across a variety of sources directly into our platform so you can identify and prioritize your outreach to companies that are indicating they’re ready to purchase.

Streamline Your Sales Workflow

  • ZoomInfo Workflows automatically pushes data intelligence directly into your CRM.
  • With real-time information about contacts and companies sent directly to the right sales reps and teams, you can save time, streamline communication and alignment, and boost productivity — faster than you ever thought possible.

Enrich Your Data

  • Schedule and automate the enrichment of your data within your own CRM or MAP.
  • With ZoomInfo Enrich, you can infuse your database with ZoomInfo’s information on team size, funding, technology use, and hundreds of other data points.
  • Easily build out territories, score leads, prioritize follow up, and so much more.

Advanced Targeting and Segmentation

  • Without strong data, it’s impossible to be strategic with your marketing outreach.
  • Take an account-based approach to creating more effective campaigns.
  • B2B intelligence makes it easy to identify your ideal buyers and group them together based on common interests or pain points.
  • From industries and tech stacks to business models, funding rounds and product announcements — ZoomInfo has more than 300 company attributes you can use to create your ideal campaign audiences.

Get more leads

  • The days of lengthy website forms are over.
  • ZoomInfo FormComplete you can shorten your forms and increase conversion rates.
  • A prospect simply enters their email address and ZoomInfo will automatically fill in the remaining fields, making the process simpler, faster, and more effective

Its benefits

Contact Data Accuracy

Performance and Reliability

User, Role, and Access Management

Certifications:TRUSTe, ISO 27001, GDPR

ZoomInfo - Video
ZoomInfo - ZoomInfo's Chrome Extension, ReachOut enables you the access contact & company information on any site,
including corporate websites, LinkedIn and your CRM.
ZoomInfo - Connect with and close decision makers in your target market.
ZoomInfo - Build segmented audiences for campaigns.

ZoomInfo: its rates

All Plans
On demand

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