OOTI: in summary

OOTI is a modern & flexible company that exist for 3 years now. 

Due to it's founders' experience in finance, technology and architecture, OOTI is an agency management software specifically made for architects, interior architects and engeneering offices.

Withing architecture firms, we have addressed a number of problematics with the teams and managers so we could answer to all of their needs while constantly improving the software efficiency.

From the call for tender to delivering the project, OOTI will be by your side: 

In the everyday tasks specific to your line of work:  

  • Administrative and commercial information processing

  • Managing projects' progression and invoicing 

  • Budget and employees time tracking 

In the role of company's manager

  • Insuring company's sustainability

  • Watch projects' profitability

  • Follow progression and billing steps

Benefit from the software's features regardless of your role:


  • Main Dashboard
  • Global vision on finances and invoices 


  • Project and leads tracking 
  • Proposals creation from templates

Chef de projet

  • Progression per projects
  • Phases set up
  • Planning
  • Budgets consumption 
  • Project sheets


  • Agenda
  • Blog
  • Leave approvals
  • Hours entry
  • Expenses entry


  • Invoices tracking
  • Invoicing reminders
  • Payment details

Financial management

  • Turnover, costs and margin 
  • Fees per project
  • Project details
  • Real time projections 
  • Monthly and Annual informations

Other features

  • Set up access and permissions
  • Dowload reports 
  • Mobile app
  • SAAS software 

Its benefits

Easy time tracking

Fast invoicing

Insightful financial analytics


OOTI - Video
OOTI - Managing Dahsboard
OOTI - Project sheet
OOTI - Project progression
OOTI - Employees' planning
OOTI - Invoicing
OOTI - Finances Dashboard
OOTI - Staff card
OOTI - Proposal
OOTI - Proposal with phases
OOTI - Invoice
OOTI - Mobile app
OOTI - Planning

OOTI: its rates

/month /user
On demand

Clients alternatives to OOTI

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