Dialfire: in summary

Dialfire is a leading cloud-based dialling and CRM solution designed for call centres and sales teams. Seamlessly blending speed and flexibility, it offers predictive dialling, real-time KPI tracking, and intuitive lead management to optimise operations and drive conversions.

What are the main features of Dialfire?

Predictive Dialling

The predictive dialling feature of Dialfire significantly increases connect rates by automatically managing call distribution and reducing agent idle time.

  • Advanced algorithms ensure optimal connect-time
  • Automatic skip of unanswered or busy numbers
  • Real-time call monitoring and adjustments

Real-Time KPI Tracking

Dialfire offers detailed insights with real-time tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs), enabling managers to make data-driven decisions seamlessly.

  • Live dashboards showcasing call metrics
  • Customisable reports and analytics
  • Performance alerts and notifications

Intuitive Lead Management

Dialfire’s lead management system makes managing and prioritising leads straightforward and efficient, enhancing conversion rates and closing deals effectively.

  • Automated lead distribution and scoring
  • Personalised follow-up schedules
  • Lead status updates and history tracking

Its benefits


Dialfire - Video
Dialfire - Get started with our preconfigured campaigns - import contacts and get started!
Dialfire - Intuitive and fully customizable agent mask
Dialfire - Your contacts are imported with just a few clicks
Dialfire - To keep you on top of things - the dashboard provides a real-time overview.
Dialfire - For a real time overview of the activities in your campaigns - also outside Dialfire.
Dialfire - Customizable statistics - all results at a glance
Dialfire - Various setting options like prioritization, call blending and much more...
Dialfire - Automation via configurable task flow within the campaign
Dialfire - The contact view - your overview for all addresses and processes in Dialfire
Dialfire - Preset or self-configurable form for the telephony view

Dialfire: its rates

Facturation par usage
On demand

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