PrivacyPerfect: in summary

About PrivacyPerfect

In short, PrivacyPerfect is a GDPR software solution. With PrivacyPerfect, you can easily register the three mandatory GDPR administrations:

  • Processing activities (article 30)
  • Data protection impact assessments (article 35)
  • Data breaches (article 33 and 34).

Furthermore, PrivacyPerfect supports complying with supervisory authority requests, data subject access requests, and meeting controller and processor obligations. Have an excellent overview of what is happening with personal data within your company. Say goodbye forever to your oldfashioned and time-consuming spreadsheets! 
Want to know more about what PrivacyPerfect can do for your organisation? Please read further.

Master the GDPR

PrivacyPerfect makes it easy for you to comply with privacy regulations. With our solutions, you can easily:

  • Show and assess the use of personal data in your organisation
  • Ense proper handling of personal data
  • Improve accountability 

Get control of your information assets

Use PrivacyPerfect and have a clear overview of all the personal data flows within the different departments within your organisation:

  • Share information with your colleagues and use our workflow
  • Enter personal data flows and assessments in an easy manner
  • Create reports for internal use, customers and the supervisory authority

Monitor your GDPR processes

Compliance with privacy laws by monitoring legitimate processing:

  • Our risk identification solution help you to remain compliant
  • Select multiple processing grounds to support legitimate purposes
  • Avoid fines and attain accountability 

Gain full control over your privacy administrations

Take privacy seriously and improve your reputation:

  • Prove to your customers that their data are safe with you
  • Identify new legitimate ways for improving data quality
  • Be transparent about which data are used for what purpose

Save time and money in becoming GDPR compliant

  • Prevent fines of up to 4% of your annual turnover
  • Built to meet the needs of DPO's, but also the needs of those with little knowledge on GDPR terminology
  • We help people understand GDPR terminology, so you can collaborate with colleagues

Its benefits

Easy to use




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