Training activities: definition and new objectives post-reform

The definition and objectives of the training action have evolved over the years and remain at the heart of vocational training policy in France. Indeed, the "Avenir Professionnel" law of 5 September 2018 has once again broadened this definition, with concrete consequences for companies' training policy .
This has therefore given rise to new challenges and new methods for both companies and learners. Where do we stand today? What are the new training objectives? What different types of training exist, and how can they be implemented? What are the new ways of learning? Find out in this article.
What is training?
A new definition
The definition of a training action has been changed following the Law of 5 September 2018.
It is now defined as "an educational pathway leading to the achievement of a professional objective".
👉 This new definition will therefore free up and secure educational innovation, through a legal framework.
Training can take place in :
- in the workplace
- face-to-face
- partly distance learning
- entirely at a distance.
💡 Among the training courses that can take place partly or completely at a distance is the SPOC, a very popular type of e-learning course.
The new obligations
The new definition of a training course has also led to the inclusion of certain mandatory information on the agreement:
- title, objectives and content of the training course
- means provided,
- duration and period of implementation,
- procedures for running, monitoring and sanctioning the course,
- price and payment terms.
👉 In addition, the law of 5 September 2018 requires companies to contribute to the funding of vocational training and apprenticeships, through a single financial contribution calculated on the basis of payroll.
What are the different types of training action?
Skills assessments
A skills assessment is a vocational training initiative designed to enable employees to :
- analyse their personal and professional skills, aptitudes and motivations ;
- define their training plans
- use their assets as a negotiating tool for a job, training or career development.
Learning actions, or in other words learning by doing, are a method by which learners acquire new skills, by working together on concrete problems.
👉 This encourages individual and collective learning.
Validation of acquired experience (VAE)
Validation of acquired experience is a measure that enables anyone, regardless of age, level of education or status, to have their acquired experience validated in order to obtain professional certification.
👉 VAE can be used to obtain, in whole or in part, a diploma, title or certificate of professional qualification listed in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP).
What are the objectives of a training programme?
To help employees adapt to their jobs
One of the aims of training is to help employees adapt to their jobs, while maintaining their place in the workplace. In particular, this enables learners to:
- develop their skills, whether or not they are related to their job;
- obtain a higher qualification.
Facilitating access to employment
This also enables people with no vocational qualifications or employment contract to access employment under the right conditions.
👉 Example: the "Avenir professionnel" law aims to promote access to the labour market for disabled people, in particular through the creation of 40,000 new jobs in adapted companies by 2022.
Reducing the risks of inappropriate qualifications
Another objective is to reduce the risks posed by unsuitable qualifications for employees whose jobs are at risk. This can be caused by :
- changes in the company's techniques and structures ;
- digitalisation of the business, which requires new skills;
- technological developments that threaten the very existence of the profession.
Encouraging professional mobility
This will enable employees to see other horizons and develop their professional and human skills .
👉 Example : Many employees want to retrain or set up their own business, but face obstacles such as the risk of losing income if they resign.
The "Avenir professionnel" ("Professional Future") law has introduced new provisions, including unemployment rights, which will now be available to resigning employees who are planning to set up their own business or retrain for a new career.
How do you design a training programme?
The new definition of a training programme and its objectives should make it possible to provide more operational training that meets the specific needs of each company and each learner. All of this can be achieved through appropriate, legally compliant and innovative methods.
So it's all about implementing a training programme. Whether it's e-learning, on-the-job or face-to-face training, here are the 5 essential elements of an optimal training programme:
- Defining training objectives and needs
Precisely define the objectives of the training programme, taking into account the learner's needs and expectations. If the employer has selected several training courses, a training plan can be drawn up. - List the teaching methods
Define the training framework and structure. This could be e-learning, hybrid training or on-the-job training. - List the human and financial resources required
Choose the appropriate trainer(s) and funding options. If the training takes place face-to-face, you will also need to determine the venue and, if necessary, how it will be financed. - Determining the assessment methods
Determining the assessment methods will enable you to effectively monitor the learners for whom the trainers are responsible. - Setting up monitoring and dashboards
Finally, the trainer and HR department need to monitor the training of the learner(s) selected. This will enable them to detect any problems or unsuitability and thus counter them as quickly as possible.
💡 You can also use training management software such as Eleo. This intuitive, comprehensive and easy-to-use platform will enable you to effectively manage all your training plans, with easier management for training managers.
👉 Example: If you're not very comfortable with figures, Eleo gives you the chance to view your budget monitoring in real time using fun filters!
Training, a real lever for skills
As you will have realised, skills are essential if companies are to remain competitive and efficient. The reform of the training scheme has therefore given much greater recognition to the work situation of learners. It now encourages the transfer of knowledge within companies, and offers real advantages, particularly for employees.
In fact, the government has defined "educational innovation" objectives. It is encouraging companies and training organisations to come up with innovative courses (SPOCs, digital learning, etc.) and to simplify on-the-job training. It's a win-win situation for both parties, and considerably enhances professional fulfilment and productivity in the long term.
Article translated from French