Marketplaces: undeniable advantages for developing your business

There are a number of reasons why you might decide to sell on marketplaces. Are you looking for a new distribution channel or a new source of sales? Then these platforms are for you. Get started!
Bringing buyers and sellers together via a third-party site such as a marketplaces has many advantages. Here are 4 good reasons for exporting your product catalogue to marketplaces. Find all our articles and advice on using feed management.
A trusted third party
Marketplaces are platforms that guarantee payment for the seller and delivery for the buyer. This creates a climate of trust during transactions. What's more, this type of site has high standards in terms of security: enough to reassure Internet users when they make their purchases. You'll never be able to compete with the brand image and reputation of marketplaces, so you might as well take advantage of their popularity to boost your performance!
Fees known in advance
On a marketplace, you know what you're going to pay! This means that you can be sure of paying a commission on products sold. No nasty surprises at the end of the month. What's more, the principle is simple: you only pay if you sell. It's a win-win strategy!
High visibility
Marketplaces are highly visible on Google, and therefore attract a lot of traffic. By selling on this type of platform, you can be sure of reaching a wider target than on your e-commerce site. Marketplaces certainly have much higher communication and marketing budgets than your own. Take advantage of their visibility by showcasing your products using feed management software such as Iziflux. What's more, if you sell products that stand out from the competition or are positioned in a niche market, you have every chance of making a big splash online!
A complementary sales channel
Marketplaces can be generalists or specialists. Depending on your distribution policy, you can choose to sell your products on marketplaces with a wide range or on a platform positioned in a niche sector. In all cases, this will represent an additional distribution channel for you, and therefore a source of sales not to be overlooked.
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- Understanding how marketplaces work in 5 minutes flat
- Save time and money on marketplaces with Iziflux!
- 4 best practices for improving performance on marketplaces
Article translated from French