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Just In! The top news of the web - Week 16

Just In! The top news of the web - Week 16

By Nguyen Oanh

Published: 22 April 2022

What should you take away from the news this week? In this episode, we’re going to discover: Safety tools of Meta, new ‘Communities' features of WhatsApp, the future of 5G networks, how much companies tend to spend on digital transformation, and much more.

Let’s jump right into it!


🛡 Meta Shares Insights into its Reporting and Safety Tools in New Video Series

Nowadays, social media is an essential communication tool for many people. But behind the advantages, this connective tool can be a dangerous place, especially for teenage girls. This is why Meta has provided a range of safety tools and controls to fight this problem.

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📱 WhatsApp Announces 'Communities' to Enhance Group Chats in the App

WhatsApp has launched an additional ‘Communities’ feature, which allows users to renovate their group chats in the app, and includes a range of new features including file sharing, emoji reactions, group audio calls and more. Discover how to use it in this article!

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🌐 5G: Where we are, where we're going next

5G networks evolve and move beyond their normal use-cases. What can we expect in the future? Discover where we are in the 5G integration process, the evolution of the 5G standard, and the road to 6G in this article.

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💰 Tech budgets in 2022: Everything you need to know

Digital transformation helps companies work smarter, become more productive, and has lots of development potential for the future. The question is how much companies should spend on it and how to divide the budget in a reasonable way. Discover the advice from tech analysts in this article!

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🔎 IT workers grow restless, and younger ones want respect - Gartner study

In IT, Boomers are out, and lots of changes in younger working generations are coming. As Gen X- and Y-ers take on more key IT roles in companies, they’re starting to ask for not only higher salaries, but also better working conditions, and more attentive managers. Here is some advice from Gartner to help IT managers solve this problem.

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📣 Regulator to take control of audit registrations from September

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has launched a new consultation to reclaim responsibility for the approval and registration of audit firms conducting PIE audits from the Recognised Supervisory Bodies (RSB). Discover which firms are affected by the proposals and the governance code in this article!

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