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Just In! The top news of the web - Week 20

Just In! The top news of the web - Week 20

By Nguyen Oanh

Published: 20 May 2022

What should you take away from the news this week? In this episode, we’re going to discover: digital marketers among the most in-demand freelancers, the growth of global annual marketing spend, the debate on how to use tech in hybrid work, and much more.

Let’s jump into it right now!


📧 83% of consumers want to choose whether to receive comms by mail or email

According to a survey by Royal Mail Marketreach, customers are more engaged with customer mail than email. This research also includes gen Z and Millennials. This is the reason why companies should optimize their mail campaign. Discover more insights and tips in the article!

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💪 Digital marketers among most in-demand freelancers

According to an online survey of PeoplePerHour, digital marketers are among the most in-demand freelancers in the last 12 months. For more details, web developers have 21% of the demand, then content writers (13%), graphic design (11%), SEO specialists (8%), mobile app developers (3%), and social media managers (3%).

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📈 Global annual marketing spend to reach $4.7 trillion by 2025

According to Forrester, global annual marketing spending will reach $4.7 trillion by 2025, which represents a growth of $1.1 trillion from 2021 to 2025. This shows that companies tend to invest more in their marketing strategy over the last 5 years. Discover more interesting insights in the article!

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🕵️‍♂️ Google backtracks to allow free use of custom domain on G Suite legacy for personal use

If you are still using Google, you better not miss this news because Google is backtracking to allow free use of custom domains on G Suite legacy for personal use. If you continue to do nothing, your account can be suspended on August 1. Discover what you can do in this article!

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🧑‍💻 The hybrid work divide: Managers think tech is the answer - but staff disagree

According to IDC, managers and staff seem to disagree on the use of tech in hybrid work. One found that there is a disconnect between employers and employees, and the other found that tech helps them work more productively both at the office and at home. Discover what big companies such as Microsoft and Slack do to find out the solutions for your own business!

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📋 TQAs provide guidance on auditor reporting of other information included in annual reports

Are you struggling to do your annual report? Don’t worry, TQAs have provided guidance for auditor reporting of extra information included in annual reports. Furthermore, there is also a part on auditor’s reporting responsibilities. Discover the details in the article!

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