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Just In! The top news of the web - Week 22

Just In! The top news of the web - Week 22

By Nguyen Oanh

Published: 3 June 2022

What should you take away from the news this week? In this episode, we’re going to discover: TikTok is no longer gen Z’s favorite social media platform, 50% of CMOs feel data hinders creativity, what you can do to protect your company from cybercrime, and much more.

Let’s jump into it right now!


📱 Gen Z users are three times more likely to use YouTube than TikTok

According to research from Channel Factory, YouTube is the most used social media platform (88%), followed by Meta (73%), TikTok (54%), and Snapchat (51%). This research also shows us that gen Z users are three times more likely to use YouTube than TikTok. Meta’s social media platforms are the favored platforms among Millenials. Discover more information in this article!

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⚡ Almost half of CMOs feel data hinders creativity

According to a new survey by Adverity, 42% of CMOs believe data is hindering creativity among marketing teams. In fact, nowadays, there are lots of sources of information on the internet and CMOs have to invest in people just to help manage all the data. Discover key insights about people, culture, and data in this survey!

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🦸 Cybercrime threatens business growth. Take these steps to mitigate your risk

Besides the other problems that a company has to face such as the Great Resignation or the pandemic, cybercrime is even more dangerous. In 2021, cybercrime caused $6 trillion USD in global damages. 18% of CEOs said that this will be their biggest threat through 2024. Discover what you can do to protect your company's growth from cybercrime!

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🤔 Working hard or hardly working? Employees don't trust their colleagues to be productive while working from home

Remote work is good for the health of employees but we have to trust each other. According to a report by Cisco, workers found themselves more dependent than their co-workers when it comes to remote work. Why do workers have trust issues about the productivity of their colleagues? What can managers do in this situation? You have all you need in this article!

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📝 A needed push into remote auditing

Conducting audit work from remote locations is always a subject that accountants care about. Learn more about what companies around the world have done when it comes to increasing remote auditing work during the pandemic.

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