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Just In! The top news of the web - Week 6

Just In! The top news of the web - Week 6

By Nguyen Oanh

Published: 11 February 2022

What should you take away from the news this week? In this episode, we’re going to discover: the impact of food advertising on food-related mentalities, the big change of traditional B2B sales and marketing, the relationship between Metaverse and UK online standards, and many more!

Let’s get right into it now!


🍟 WHO study: Food advertising impacts food-related mentalities, convictions, and practices

The current report was mentioned by the WHO Nutrition Guidance Expert Advisory Group (NUGAG) Subgroup on Policy Actions as a component of the proof surveys to educate its definition regarding refreshed WHO rules on strategies to safeguard youngsters from the unsafe effect of food promotion. Based on the recent studies, food marketing stays common, remembering for settings where kids accumulate and during youngsters' TV programming and review times

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⚡ Traditional B2B Sales and Marketing will have a big change in 2022

Long the subtle goal of practically every B2B business group, the ideal opportunity for deals and promoting "combination," has passed. All things being equal, the most moderate B2B business associations are totally reconfiguring business tasks to all the more likely locations the present profound misalignment between how providers sell and how purchasers purchase.

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📱 Will repeating ads be the next trend in 2022?

Repeating ads might motion toward buyers that the brand or item is a decent purchase or a quality item. ... A later report, distributed in the Journal of Consumer Research, affirmed that shoppers would in general think items publicized with redundancy were great purchases. But will it still be effective in 2022?

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🤖 The new UK drive to shape worldwide norms for Artificial Intelligence

The new AI Standard Hub will make reasonable instruments for organizations, bring the UK's AI people group together through another internet-based stage, and foster instructive materials to help associations create and profit from worldwide norms. This will assist with putting the UK at the very front of this quickly creating region.

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⚖ Metaverse 'can't escape' UK online standards, say specialists

The metaverse will be dependent upon tough UK guidelines, making tech goliaths behind the virtual universes open to billions of pounds of expected fines, as indicated by the specialists whose work supports the impending Online Safety Bill.

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💡 TikTok tech: The ascent of the Excel bookkeeping influencer

With Excel content piling up billions of perspectives on TikTok and Instagram, Gen Z web-based media stages have demonstrated a far-fetched partner for bookkeeping's most-utilized programming apparatus. It gives birth to the Excel bookkeeping influencers.

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🌐 Metaverse becomes a part of HR technology in 2022

Metaverse is the new immense speculation region for tech goliaths like Microsoft, Google, and Apple which empowers clients to have their symbols and do everything from playing computer games and going to rec center class to taking an interest in gatherings or recruiting somebody.

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🌏 Climate change branding can enhance recruitment and employment retention

Job seekers are saying they need to work for managers that help endeavors to stop climate change. Thus, bosses are trying to advance the manners in which they are viewing this necessity in a serious way. Workers must feel that they are essential for something that is important such as climate change, bigger than simply the financial result of the organization.

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