Visual Planning: in summary

Visual Planning is a cutting-edge resource management software, ideal for project managers and teams of all sizes. It excels in helping users efficiently plan, allocate, and track resources. Key features include dynamic scheduling, real-time updates, and customisable dashboards.

What are the main features of Visual Planning?

Dynamic Scheduling

Visual Planning offers an intuitive and powerful scheduling tool, making resource allocation seamless. Enhance the way you manage projects with:

  • Interactive Gantt charts: Easily drag and drop tasks to reflect real-time project changes.
  • Timeline views: Keep a close eye on deadlines with adaptable timeline views.
  • Conflict management: Automatically detect and resolve scheduling conflicts.

Real-Time Updates

Stay always updated with synced information across teams and devices. Visual Planning provides:

  • Instant notifications: Immediate alerts for task changes, helping teams stay aligned.
  • Collaborative tools: Enable team members to share updates and comments instantly.
  • Synchronized data: Real-time data synchronization guarantees that everyone works with the latest information.

Customisable Dashboards

Tailor the way you view information with highly customizable dashboards, empowering informed decision-making. Key features include:

  • Drag-and-drop widgets: Personalized dashboard layouts for easy access to crucial data.
  • Visual analytics: Graphical reports and charts for effective performance evaluation.
  • Real-time key metrics: Instantly monitor crucial KPIs from a centralised location.

Its benefits

Simple and intuitive planning

Error reduction

Customizable interface

Drag and drop

Flexible / configurable

Certifications:ISO 9001

Visual Planning - Video
Visual Planning - Screenshot 1
Visual Planning - Screenshot 2
Visual Planning - Screenshot 3
Visual Planning - Screenshot 4
Visual Planning - Screenshot 5

Visual Planning: its rates

/month /user
/month /user
/month /user

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