Clausebase: in summary

How does it work?

Once the building blocks are available ClauseBase offers two different routes to document generation:
▪ The first route is by interactively searching for, stacking and configuring clauses. This route is targeted at legal experts, who will appreciate the flexibility and focus on various legal features.
▪ The second route is by using a questionnaire — like most competing products, but with the added benefit of seeing an interactive preview of the document that changes with each new answer. This route is typically targeted at business users, who appreciate simplicity and safeguards.

What does it do?

Using either of the routes, ClauseBase software generates MS Word and/or PDF files that were built from the bottom-up, with perfect numbering, styling and cross-references. Somewhat paradoxically, these files are “better” Word-files than the Word-files created by using MS Word, on the basis of templates that have been saved and resaved by many different lawyers over many years.

How does it work?

Once the building blocks are available ClauseBase offers two different routes to document generation:
▪ The first route is by interactively searching for, stacking and configuring clauses. This route is targeted at legal experts, who will appreciate the flexibility and focus on various legal features.
▪ The second route is by using a questionnaire — like most competing products, but with the added benefit of seeing an interactive preview of the document that changes with each new answer. This route is typically targeted at business users, who appreciate simplicity and safeguards.

Benefits of using it

1. Intuitive and sophisticated clause library for better knowledge management.
2. Instant translation to French, English or Dutch (with German and Spanish on the way).
3. Fully-interactive preview while drafting.
4. No IT-skills required. ClauseBase requires no integration efforts from the IT department and no programming skills.
5. Perfect compliance with company or client styling policy/policies.

What makes you different from your competitors?

Whereas most contract assembly software takes a top-down approach (meaning a user starts from an existing template which is then transformed into a questionnaire), ClauseBase allows users to assemble contracts bottom-up. This means that users can quickly stack clauses on top of each other like building blocks. All these building blocks can interact with each other and know about the other blocks' existence, which allows ClauseBase to ensure internal consistency and coherence in terms of grammar, terminology, styling, content, etc. Our sophisticated clause library furthermore allows lawyers to quickly find the perfect clause by searching on content, metadata, location within the library, etc.

Finally, ClauseBase is perfectly multi-jurisdictional and multi-lingual. Clauses can be uploaded in French, Dutch and English (with German and Spanish on the way) allowing for instant translation of an entire contract at the click of a button. Clauses can be translated manually or automatically through our integration with DeepL.

Its benefits

pre-built templates

full text search

specialty contracts


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