Shortways: in summary

Shortways is a top-tier enterprise training software designed to facilitate seamless onboarding and continuous learning for professionals. Targeting mid to large-sized organisations, it excels in providing **in-app guidance**, robust content integration, and real-time performance analytics.

What are the main features of Shortways?

Interactive In-App Guidance

Interactive in-app guidance enhances user experience by offering contextual assistance. This helps employees navigate complex procedures smoothly, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

  • Contextual Help: Provides on-the-spot assistance according to the user’s actions.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Guides employees through complex tasks.
  • Tooltips and Pop-Ups: Adds layer of help right where users need it.

Seamless Content Integration

Seamless content integration ensures your learning materials are easily accessible and well-organised. This supports uninterrupted learning and onboarding processes within your organisation.

  • Centralised Repository: Keeps all training assets in one place for ease of access.
  • Content Compatibility: Works smoothly with a wide range of file formats and LMS systems.
  • Effortless Updates: Quickly adjusts to new content, ensuring the most current information is readily available.

Real-Time Performance Analytics

Real-time performance analytics provides indispensable insights into employee progress and training efficiency, enabling data-driven decisions to optimise training programs.

  • Detailed Reports: Generates comprehensive reports on employee performance.
  • Analytical Dashboards: Features dashboards that highlight key metrics and trends.
  • Progress Tracking: Allows managers to monitor learning progress in real time.

Its benefits


Shortways - Context sensitive help: Provides Shortways in one click business procedure or insight Relating to what is showing you your screen When user are interacting with the processes In Their Application
Shortways - Context sensitive help: Provides Shortways in one click business procedure or insight Relating to what is showing you your screen When user are interacting with the processes In Their Application
Shortways - Context sensitive help: Provides Shortways in one click business procedure or insight Relating to what is showing you your screen When user are interacting with the processes In Their Application
Shortways - Push of news: The user Receives significant information (news, currency ..) Directly In His business application
Shortways - The Shortways Digital Assistant is embedded Directly into your business application
Shortways - Step-by-step guidance: users are guided Interactively in the business application

Shortways: its rates

On demand

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