Uppler: in summary

Presentation of the solution

Uppler is the leading B2B Marketplace solution and B2B e-commerce platform.

We offer an all-in-one solution, or connected by API to create a marketplace equipped with the most advanced features of B2B e-commerce.

Many large accounts around the world use our solution, such as Renault-Nissan or the Rungis Market.

Strengths of our solution

Uppler's value proposition is based on 3 pillars:

  • The specialization on B2B ecommerce: In contact with major manufacturers, we have developed the most comprehensive range of B2B functionalities on the market, whether it concerns catalog management, order workflow or payment terms.
  • The ease of implementation: In its "all-in-one" version, Uppler allows you to start a project in record time and for an initialization cost of almost zero. Our solution with a front-office buyer, a back-office vendor, a back-office operator, and software PIM (Product Information Management), you will need no external brick and no integrator to start your project
  • Customization: Rich with more than 100 modules, and potentially enriched with a specific module, the Uppler marketplace solution allows you to create a tailor-made marketplace meeting the most sophisticated workflows and functional requirements.
Uppler - Connectez toutes les briques externes à votre marketplace: ERP, prestataire de paiement, templates e-commerce...
Uppler - Connectez toutes les briques externes à votre marketplace: ERP, prestataire de paiement, templates e-commerce...
Uppler - Connectez toutes les briques externes à votre marketplace: ERP, prestataire de paiement, templates e-commerce...
Uppler - Démarrez votre projet plus rapidement et rationnalisez vos coûts avec notre solution tout en un
Uppler - Bénéficiez de l'éventail de fonctionnalités B2B le plus complet du marché

Uppler: its rates

Solution marketplace B2B
On demand
Site ecommerce B2B
On demand
E-procurement 2.0
On demand

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