Management software: they can also be user-friendly!

Applications aimed at individuals are redoubling efforts on the creativity, design and aesthetic fronts. Simplified user path, experience optimization... Why not take advantage of it in BtoB (Business to Business)?
User-friendly software in business
Old-fashioned business software
When we think of "business software", we instantly imagine an unwelcoming, cumbersome and complicated management software. Why? Probably because of SAP. Unpleasant interfaces, unintuitive navigation... An enormous disparity with the applicatons which we are otherwise used to. But is this really inevitable? Aren't some people trying to refute this?
Innovative software
This idea of maze-like management software packages belonging to companies is dissipating little by little. Publishers are taking control, seeking to meet the new expectations and practices of their users. At the moment, people want:
- something attractive: the app design has become one of the main deciders. The unattractive aspect is being abandoned for the most attractive rival app. Young generations are used to a certain aesthetic standard for digital tools, and their consumption pattern shows this.
- something simple: no more complicated explanations. We want to be able to instantly use the tool by ourselves. No prior training, no instruction manuals attached.
- something instant: having to wait to use the tool is out of the question.
The norm now is to have everything immediately. The slightest of delays frustrates and undermines the publisher. It's impatience, a kind of immaturity perhaps, which previous generations no doubt experienced less of as they were used to more constraints.
Company software challenges
Linking modernity with results
Tools are getting better. Their users are increasingly demanding. But geared at businesses, can we meet these new expectations without compromising the appropriateness of the tool? Donzat says "yes". Through its business solutions, the publisher shows that we can maintain a professional and functional level of performance, all while modernizing the tool.
Choosing the tool
"In regards to software, businesses have some essential needs linked to their activity. Some want a standard, complete ERP (Entreprise Resource Planning). Others want a totally tailor-made tool. Others still would prefer to start from a business tool: business monitoring, for example, with a commercial management software, and develop from there. The question of the tool must be put in the right terms, because the response given will contribute to the backbone of the business. "
A user-friendly business software
Adopting a new tool
The main issue for the VSB, SME or freelancer is finding a shoe that fits without spending a fortune, a ton of energy or too much time. This is where the quality of the tool falls into the center of the question. Opting for a hard solution which requires training the employees beforehand delays the use of the tool. This delay then slows down the company's productivity, leading to a delay or loss in its functioning.
Ergonomics go hand-in-hand with autonomy
"The user-friendliness of an app is not a simple matter of cuteness, but a real operational asset. To the extent that a company places a tool in the center of its work, this tool must be multi-faceted; it will be used by everyone. Each person will use it with their own approach and aims in accordance with the function in the company. The accountant will pass account entries into their invoicing software and check the cash flow and general bookkeeping in their accounting software. The salesperson will carry out their customer and prospective-customer follow-ups in CRM software and their quotes and invoices through a quoting software. The Marketing staff will analyze the impact of their actions with a CRM tool and measure the sales revenue changes with control panels... When the implemented tool presents a degree of complexity, the human resources branch or service is forced to organize training for each service. It's possible, but time-consuming and potentially costly. A tool which is ergonomic enough to be intuitive can be picked up by each person independently. A simple and quick uptake means it will be operational immediately. "
The operational benefit
By opting for a publisher like Donzat, the company fosters its success. The different Donzat product ranges adapt to the needs and functions desired by the company. With an online range/the range enLigne adapted for VSBs, the company gets a start & go software and manages its work in no time. The advanced ranges offer to harmonize the processes all while respecting the company's own features. Furthermore, all of the apps are compatible and inter-communicative, which allows you to merge the differerent functions of the company on a single tool - commercial documents, quote invoicing, tax declarations, account management, stock management, purchase management, sales management, customer relationship management... - and thus to reduce the contact surface all while decreasing the scope of an action. The user, once they come back into contact with the database, for example, will do so once and for all. The employees will have no need to re-enter anything already entered. Duplicates are avoided in the customer file contacts management, and time is optimized.
In business, just like at home, we don't want to be burdened with complex management tools - especially if it's to use only 10% of the options. We want apps tailored to our uses - this is what the Donzat publisher has understood. Simplicity in uptake has become one of the major strength for easily steering the management of a company.