Business Management

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Fixed salary, commission, bonus: how much should a salesperson be paid?
Fixed salary, commission, bonus: how much should a salesperson be paid?
What are the different types of remuneration you can use to motivate your sales teams? Which are the most effective in boosting their performance?
What is a sales pipeline and how can you use it to optimise your sales cycles?
What is a sales pipeline and how can you use it to optimise your sales cycles?
Are you a sales manager looking to build an effective sales pipeline tailored to your company's needs? Follow our 5-step guide!
Freight forwarder: definition, role, functions and tools for transporting goods
Freight forwarder: definition, role, functions and tools for transporting goods
Freight forwarders play a key role in international trade: find out how they use dedicated tools to guarantee the export and import of your goods!

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