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The impact of the 'assembler strategy' on enterprise applications

Definition • 11 November 2024

The impact of the 'assembler strategy' on enterprise applications

When looking at recent acquisitions in the ERP (enterprise resource planning) sector, it will be useful to describe the Infor Process Group's 'vertical assembly strategy'.

7 manufacturing problems solved thanks to ERP

Tip • 11 November 2024

7 manufacturing problems solved thanks to ERP

As manufacturers grow their businesses, so does the complexity. This article looks at seven key manufacturing issues facing manufacturers that threaten to bring their processes and operations to a halt.

Software selection: 5 tips for making the right choice

Tip • 11 November 2024

Software selection: 5 tips for making the right choice

As a general rule, more choice is better than less. This is particularly true in the business world. Business software is an expensive purchase over several years, and having the right solution for your company's needs is of crucial importance.

Level 1, 2 and 3 ERP: what are the differences?

Definition • 11 November 2024

Level 1, 2 and 3 ERP: what are the differences?

Systems for classifying software and its publishers have always existed. One of the most common has been their classification into levels 1, 2 and 3, also known as "tier 1, tier 2, tier 3".

MRP, ERP, SCM and APS: different but complementary solutions

Definition • 10 November 2024

MRP, ERP, SCM and APS: different but complementary solutions

The organisation of highly structured industries uses multiple applications, including ERP, MRP, SCM and APS, to optimise their production and distribution processes.

Why choose ERP?

Definition • 8 November 2024

Why choose ERP?

When you say company, you say ERP... Or not. Can you do without an ERP? What are the concrete benefits? And is one ERP better than another?