Tip • 23 November 2020
5 Secrets to Great Customer Service
Do you want to know what great customer service is and how to provide it? Read our top hacks to increase customer attrition.
Tip Me, the customer, my requirements, my expectations, and 15 actions to satisfy me How do you satisfy a customer? It's best to know what they want, isn't it? Well, we'll let him have his say: he'll give you his 15 requirements on a plate. appvizer will also advise you on 15 concrete actions to take.
Tip 7 tips for an efficient and organised after-sales service Delivery, warranty, repairs - after-sales service is at the heart of your customer relations. How can you make it more effective? Here's our advice for your after-sales service!
Definition Technical support, a key driver of customer satisfaction 1 happy customer recommends you to 9 people. That's an excellent reason to set up high-quality technical support. Find out more about the basics and the solutions to illustrate them!
Tip • 23 November 2020
5 Secrets to Great Customer Service
Do you want to know what great customer service is and how to provide it? Read our top hacks to increase customer attrition.
Software • 20 May 2020
6 essential features of technical support softwares
Come on a discovery of how customer support solutions significantly increase user satisfaction. New customer support solutions put collaboration at the centre of their businesses to benefit from numerous advantages.
A satisfied customer is a loyal customer! Customer support software is, therefore, necessary to perfect your customer relations. Centralize all inquiries and allocate your resources to simplify the processing of demands. Get your tasks done faster!